Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Food-for-Fines Awesomeness

Congratulations HPL patrons!  For those of you who took the opportunity to square up your account during our "Are You Prepared...?" Food for Fines program, you get the chance to feel doubly good about yourselves.

First, you squared away old fines, fees or other debts that might have been preventing you from using your library card.  I think that is wonderful because we have a fairly amazing set of resources here - not just books and DVDs - that a clean record will help you use.

Second, you collectively donated 1,100 lbs - that's right ONE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED POUNDS - of food to the Reno County Food Bank!  Pat yourselves on the back for a job well done.  100 lbs of food per day is a good amount.  But don't forget about them now that our promotion is over.  The food bank will be getting extra donations during the holiday season when everyone thinks about those in need.  Though in Hutchinson and Reno County, as in most places, the need is year-round.

Thank you for bringing in lost-but-found items, clearing up long-standing fines, and especially for helping make your community a better place!

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