I know, it's tiny. See the photos up close at the library! |
We're starting off the year with some terrific guests - Dave McKane's new photography exhibit opens January 3rd at 6pm. Where his previous exhibit focused on clouds and the relics of farms past, this new show celebrates that glorious moment of deep blue found in the skies near twilight. The photographs will be on display in the Library's auditorium. Just after Mr. McKane's opening, we will have a visit from Kevin Williams, editor of the Amish Cook. The Amish Cook columns appear regularly in the Hutchinson News. Mr. Williams will be at the library on January 7th at 6:30 pm. We will have some of his books available for purchase and autographing at that time.
Besides programming, we have many other things to look toward in 2013. We will continue to make progress on our vision for the library "Technology Center". As we save money for the project and attempt to raise extra funds for it, we will have professional drawings made to help make real our ideas. Temporarily, we will add some seating in the area where the adult non-fiction 900s were once housed.
Lighting will be improved in the second floor stacks. We're looking at a new telephone system that makes use of our upgraded network infrastructure, and there will be changes in the way public computer time is measured and monitored. Phew. Now I'm tired. And that list doesn't even include the interesting ideas I've been reading about for defining our mission / setting our goals for the next couple of years.
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