We've started a new service here at HPL, one fueled by our patrons. We're collecting book reviews from participants in our Summer Reading program for adults (although I would love to add reviews written by young adults and children as well!) So far, we have 40 reviews of an incredibly wide variety of fiction and non-fiction titles. You can read them here and find them under Programs & Services | Services on our library's website, www.hutchpl.org
I am very excited about this project because it gives us all a view of the reading tastes of our friends and neighbors. Sure, there are big, fancy websites out there where people from all walks of life can add their book reviews, but those don't reflect the very localized flavor of our site. This is what Hutchinson and Reno County reads!
If you would like to participate, come in and sign up for our Adult Summer Reading program and start rating and reviewing books today! We post ONLY first names and last initials and no contact information. You can do as little as simply rating the books you read on a 1-5 star scale and be entered into weekly drawings for some fun prizes. Or, you can write a review for one, some, or all of the titles you read. The more you tell us about what you think of the books you read, the more valuable the review collection will become. If you are involved in our YA or children's summer reading program and would like to participate in the book review process, send your reviews directly to me at gwamsley@hutchpl.org
We have some wonderful, thoughtful reviews already, I hope that you will consider adding yours.
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