Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Future-proofing libraries?

I don't think I want my library "future-proofed".  I think instead I want my library to join and be a vital part of the future.  Yes, I know that's not what they meant.  They mean we (library workers) should be working to make libraries adapt.  But I think that we do that - adapt, I mean.  And I think that we are.  What we need is a goal and a better PR campaign.  Seth Godin wrote what some call a "controversial" blog post about this topic just yesterday.  I think he largely hits the nail on the head.  What libraries are about is not the stacks and stacks of paper, but the information and more importantly, THE PEOPLE.  The librarians, the library users, and ultimately society as a whole are what libraries are about.  The goal should be that libraries create the future - and that future should be primarily focused on the community that each library serves.  Libraries should be a place of creation - not warehousing.  Libraries should foster and provide the tools, space, and interaction needed to create new businesses and promote the growth and success of new intellectuals.  We (librarians) have and can provide tools for this creativity and interaction.  We largely lack the PR skills to get the attention...IMHO.

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