Friday, July 2, 2010

Share what you are reading

In this world of social networking, many people and organizations use all sorts of tools, like Facebook, twitter and many others to share information.  The world of reading has a number of similar "niche" sites where readers can create an account and share with one another their reading, opinions about books, reviews, etc.

One such site, goodreads, is featured in the HPL 2010 Project.  I like goodreads well enough, but the owner of the Bru Crue sent me an invite to Shelfari, which I have found to be easier to use, in my opinion.  While I have not had the time to add in all of my favorite books, much less add reviews to them, I have been using it to keep track of my current reading.  I like the slightly gimmick-y "bookshelf" display of the book covers in my Shelfari collection.  I also like the nice step-through process for adding reviews, comments and tags to books I have read or am currently reading.  Combined with Wowbrary weekly newsletters, a nice little service provided through the generosity of the Friends of the Hutchinson Public Library, I'm reading a lot more lately and actually having fun sharing my thoughts!

This reminds me - a colleague of mine and I were talking about forming a science fiction book club.  I am inclined to do so if we find enough interest.  I think a survey might be in order!

Happy Independence Day!  Please be safe and have fun this weekend!

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