Monday, July 13, 2009

Midsummer Round-up

I know, it is not technically "midsummer", but in our library world we're just past half-way with our summer programming.  As an "evil administrator" type, I have mixed feelings about summer.  I look forward to it with a combination of excitement and dread with a little envy mixed in.  I always get very excited at the prospect of a new Summer Reading Program, and this year's theme was ready-made for fun.  So far, kids have painted a mural, decorated an art car, created "altered art", made puppets, made experimental films and of course, heard lots of stories and checked out books!  By the way, if you did not make it to the parade on the fourth of July, here's one of the great things you missed.

The "dread" part of summer for me is that it means budget time.  We prepare our next-year's budget the summer before, essentially making a guess as to what the world will be charging for things 12-18 months into the future.  The process this year is especially "dreadful" in that the future of the economy is so murky.  I will say though that HPL has an excellent staff and an excellent board and together we will make it work with whatever is available.

Envy...I did mention that one earlier, didn't I?  That is a simple one to explain.  I always loved summer break as a child.  It was a Memorial Day-to-Labor Day fun-fest complete with staying up late and sleeping late (the former I still sometimes do but the latter, sadly, is a thing of the past).  I also envy the staff of the Children's Department because they get to do all the fun stuff at this time of year! 

Finally, a pitch.  Please check out our newly-revamped "Downloadable Books" link at the top of our website.  A group of staff members, our "Promoting OverDrive" team, put a lot of time and effort into the new downloadable book site and are working to advertise the service through many methods.

I hope everyone finds some rest and relaxation this summer and I hope at least some relax using the services of the Hutchinson Public Library!

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