Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Construction update!

The remodeling of the Main Street entrance is coming along roughly on schedule. As is the case with any remodel (versus a new build) there are almost certainly going to be some of those "Hmm...that's not on the drawings" moments. So far, we've really only had one major stumper as the flooring was peeled up across the seam between the northern-most addition and the older part of the building. That problem has been resolved, thankfully.

If you drive by now, you can see a glimpse of what the exterior will look like when it's done. The window frames are in both upstairs and down. Right now they are working on the un-glamorous but VERY necessary changes to the HVAC in that area.
Dust barrier inside the Main Street entrance - it worked great!

North facing wall pre-window frames

Sidewalk view pre-window frame

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Library Closures hit Canada

An article from CTV News states that nearly half of all the public libraries in the provinces of Newfoundland and Labrador will be closed. The provincial budget included a million dollars less for public libraries than in the previous year resulting in mass closures of branches.

So I will leave you with these two quotes to be used alternately:

“When the going gets tough, the tough get a librarian.” 
― Joan Bauer

...unless you live in Newfoundland unfortunately.


“Whatever the cost of our libraries, the price is cheap compared to that of an ignorant nation.” 
― Walter Cronkite

And that is the real danger.